How can I generate abstract book of my conference?

To generate an abstract book, go to Data Export under Abstracts & Peer Reviews.

Choose the fields you want to include in the abstract book PDF. This also displays the custom fields you have created.

Choose if you want to display the labels of the fields or leave it if you just want to display data.

You have the option to include all abstracts, or only accepted abstracts, or only rejected abstracts in the abstract book PDF.

Click on Generate Abstract Book. This will generate a PDF version of the abstracts.

What is Custom Fields in Dryfta?

 Custom Fields are input fields, of various types viz. file upload, simple text box, dropdown fields, radio buttons, date field, country field and more, that is used on Attendee Registration Form, Review Submission Form, and Abstract Submission Form. Using Form Builder, Admin can add as many custom fields as he/she wants, in the forms.