How to use Acceptance letter builder to send acceptance letter to all accepted authors?

With acceptance letter builder, you can build and customize the acceptance letter PDF. Once customized, you can click on Generate Acceptance Letter button to generate a PDF copy of an accepted abstract to see how it looks like.

Then click on Send Acceptance Letter button in the top right corner. This would take you to the Email campaign page where you can create an email, sort of a cover letter, to be sent along with the acceptance letter PDF.

Before sending the campaign, you can send a test mail to yourself.

When ready, simply click on Send Email button in the top right corner to send the acceptance letter and PDF to all accepted authors.

How to view the list of abstracts reviewed by a reviewer?

To view the list of abstracts reviewed or not reviewed by a reviewer, you can use the Sort by Review status button.

1. Go to Contacts > Reviewers and search for the reviewer whose reviews you would like to view or simply click on the name of the reviewer. 

2. In Reviewer’s detail view, click on Reviews tab


To view list of reviews submitted, use the Sort by review status dropdown and select “Reviewed”. This would return a list of reviewed abstracts. 

Similarly, to view list of reviews not submitted, use the Sort by review status dropdown and select “Not Reviewed”. This would return a list of non-reviewed abstracts.

How does Dryfta calculates average rating of an abstract?

Dryfta calculates the average rating of an abstract based on a scale of 10. 

In your abstract management system, admin may have created review questions with different scale for each question. 

So, for example, you have a review question with scale rating from 0 to 5 and another review question with scale rating from 1 to 10. In this scenario, there’s no unique base scale out of which the system should calculate an average rating. 

That’s why the system is hard-coded to generate an average rating on a scale of 10 irrespective of the scale rating that an admin has set for various review questions in the review submission form.

Average rating of an abstract as given by a reviewer

To calculate average rating of an abstract, Dryfta would sum up a reviewer’s ratings for each question (see screenshot) and then multiply it by 2 to generate an average rating of the abstract on a scale of 10, as given by the reviewer.

Final average rating of an abstract

To generate the final score of an abstract, Dryfta would sum up average rating given by each reviewer for the abstract and then divide it by the total number of reviewers who reviewed the abstract. This generates the abstract’s final score on a scale of 10. See screenshot.

Why should I add Rating field in review submission forms?

Instead of using the Yes/No field in review submission form, you should choose the Rating field type for questions with scales viz. rating an abstract based on exclusivity. See the screenshot below.

Reviewers would still see the same questions to answer while reviewing the abstract, except that when you use the Rating field, the system calculates an average rating for the abstract based on each question answered by the reviewer. See screenshot below.

This helps chair determine very easily whether to accept/reject an abstract.

What’s the best way to sign up reviewers on the site so they can review abstracts?

The best way to sign up reviewers is to enable the Reviewer Registration button from Website builder > Navigation.

The Reviewer Registration form has fields which can be customized from the Form builder tool. 

The admin staff also has the option to add reviewers from the backend dashboard and send credentials to the reviewers so reviewer can log in to the dashboard using the credentials and submit reviews.