How do I accept payments for approved abstracts?


To accept payments for approved abstracts, you need to create a ticket under Basics (Not necessary if you want to choose an existing ticket) in your event dashboard.

Then go to abstract settings

Enable Accept payments for approved abstracts setting and Save.

You will now need to select a ticket type which will be used to accept payments for approved abstracts. The ‘Select a Ticket type’ drop down comes after you enable the above-mentioned payments button and save the settings.

The Abstract payment ticket will now be displayed in the list of tickets on your event website. Please note that this ticket will be hidden from general users and shall only display to authors who have one or more than one approved abstracts and are logged in.

Authors can now purchase this ticket type from the Buy tickets page (they also have to select the approved abstract from the drop down which is displayed when ticket quantity is selected).

Once the payment is confirmed,the associated abstract is displayed along side the purchased ticket.

Event admins can see these purchases under Orders in the event dashboard.

How to provide access to premium content to members?


Go to Roles & Access Control. Create a new role for contact usertype. Select content which would be accessible to
members only, and Save.

Go to Basics > Tickets and click on Settings icon of the membership ticket for which you’re setting up the content access. From the Role dropdown, select the Role which you just created, and Save.

How to accept payments for ticketing through credit card?

To accept payments for ticketing through credit card, go to Payment Settings under Basics and choose a payment gateway. After selecting a payment gateway viz. PayPal,, Stripe, enter the details as asked, and Save. These details are necessary to make sure payments are processed and you’re notified of the transaction.

Please note that we do NOT charge any service fees for any payment transactions. It’s between you and the payment gateway provider. You get paid directly from your payment gateway provider. Payment provider may charge you its service fees. We do not.

How to accept payments for ticketing through PayPal?

To accept payments for ticketing through PayPal, do the following:

Go to Payment Settings under Basics

Enable PayPal under PayPal Express Checkout

Enter your PayPal email address you use to receive payments, and Save.

See screenshot below:

These details are necessary to make sure payments are processed and you’re notified of the transaction.

Please note that we do NOT charge any service fees for any payment transactions. It’s between you and the payment gateway provider. You get paid directly from your payment gateway provider. Payment provider may charge service fees though.

How to enable offline payment methods for ticketing?

To accept payments for ticketing through offline payments, go to Payment Settings under Basics and choose from multiple options for offline payments including check, demand draft, pay at the venue, wire transfer.

You can choose from multiple payment options. Do not forget to enter the details for check and demand drafts and mailing address where you want to receive the check and demand drafts. Also make sure you enter the details of the venue where people can come and pay.


Please note that we do NOT charge any service fees for any payment transactions unless you’re using Dryfta payment gateway.