No , You can’t delete it. Fixed fields are necessary to collect the basic information from attendees. So even if event admin does not create custom fields, he/she will still be able to accept registrations from attendees.
Tag: Contacts & Attendees Management
Can I make an admin a speaker or moderator?
Admins cannot be made into speakers. Admins are people who are run the
show and are not really the participants as in attendees and speakers.
So, if the person who is managing the platform happens to be a speaker
as well, he/she needs to create a separate contact for the same.
How do I import reviewers into the CRM?
Go to Contacts and click on Import button.
Select the CSV file from your computer that you want to import and click on Import button to import reviewers.
You can also import general contacts, authors through this tool. To see how to arrange your CSV file, download the sample CSV file from the Import page.
Dryfta automatically checks for duplicate entries and remove them during the import process. You do not need to scan through the list manually.
What are different usertypes and how do I use them?
There’re four main usertypes:
Administrators – Create unlimited staff users and let them manage the platform with their own login credentials. Access control is yet not enabled. We’re on it.
Contacts – Contacts are what you add from your dashboard or people who register using the registration form. Contacts user types also get a dashboard to log in on the website, submit abstracts etc but they’re not attendees and do not display in the attendee list. How to let register people as attendees? See below.
Attendees – Attendees are people who buy tickets. You can also make contacts as attendees manually by going to their profile and clicking on Make attendee button. Attendees user types are displayed in the attendee list on the website.
Reviewers – Reviewers are people who register as reviewers (to review abstracts and papers) from the website. Currently, reviewers cannot be made as attendees. In case, they’re also attending the event, then they have to register as contact and then an admin can make them as attendee by going to their profiles, or, they can buy the tickets, if you have any, and become attendees.
Moderators – Moderators are sub-type of attendee usertype. To make someone a moderator, you need to make him/her an attendee first, if he/she is not already an attendee, and then click on Make Moderator button in the profile.
Speakers – Speakers are sub-type of attendee usertype. To make someone aspeaker , you need to make him/her an attendee first, if he/she is not
already an attendee, and then click on Make Speaker button in the
How do I add contacts to my conference/event?
To add a contact, go to Contacts.
Click on Add New Contact on top right.
Choose a User type from the left section.
User type is used to determine the contact type and display the fields accordingly viz. Contact, Attendee, Author, Reviewer, Staff.
After choosing the user type, enter the details for the contact.
If you want to make this contact a speaker or a moderator, make this contact as an attendee first, and then save it. After the page reloads,
click on Make Speaker button to create this attendee as either a speaker or a
moderator. Technically, a speaker is an attendee so that’s why we made
it mandatory to make contact an attendee before he/she could be made
into a speaker/moderator.
The username and password you set for this contact will be emailed to him/her once you click on Send credentials button on top. Before clicking on the button, make sure you have saved the data.
How to display user type in notification emails?
Let’s say, you are registering reviewers and want to notify them that they have been registered as reviewer.
To display reviewers that they have been registered
as ‘Reviewer’ on your conference site, use this shortcode wherever you
want to display it: {user_type}
For example, to
display this message “Hi, you have been made a Reviewer for the CNEG
conference”, you need to add usertype shortcode like this: “Hi, you have
been made a {user_type} for the CNEG conference”.
This will display the usertype for which this user has been registered. Please ignore the apostrophe.