Who are representatives in sponsors and how do I add them?

Representatives are participants who are representing a sponsor.

To make a contact as a representative, you need to make that contact as an attendee first by assigning the attendee role to this contact. In Sponsor Edit page, attendees are displayed in the representatives drop down. From the drop down, choose the attendees you want to display for the sponsor and Save.

How can I generate abstract book of my conference?

To generate an abstract book, go to Data Export under Abstracts & Peer Reviews.

Choose the fields you want to include in the abstract book PDF. This also displays the custom fields you have created.

Choose if you want to display the labels of the fields or leave it if you just want to display data.

You have the option to include all abstracts, or only accepted abstracts, or only rejected abstracts in the abstract book PDF.

Click on Generate Abstract Book. This will generate a PDF version of the abstracts.

Examples of things that can be done with custom reports

Some of the things you can do with custom reports:

Create a list of female attendees who are allergic to specific food/food types.

Enter report title.

Enter date range.

Select attendee as usertype.

In Associated fields, select first name, last name, email, prefix.

In Filter by, select prefix, select only Mrs and Ms since it is only female attendees you would like a
report for.

In Custom fields, choose Food preference (This is a custom field and need to be created using the form builder for attendees to fill up during registration).

That’s it, and dont forget to save.

Create a list of attendees who have checked-in to the event.

Enter report title.

Enter date range.

Select attendee as usertype.

Associated Fields, select first name, last name, email, checkin.

In Filter by, select checkin, select Yes since it is only checked-in attendees you would like a
report for.

That’s it, and dont forget to save.

Create a list of contacts with birthdays in a certain date.

Enter report title.

Enter date range.

Select attendee as usertype.

In Associated fields, select first name, last name, email, Date of birth.

In Custom fields, choose Date of birth and select a date to generate all contacts with birthday on that day
(This is a custom field and need to be created using the form builder
for attendees to fill up during registration).

That’s it, and dont forget to save.

How do I share a report with multiple teams securely?

Each report has a unique code appended to it. So only those who have the URL can view the report. Create a custom report, and share the URL of the Live report with staff by sending the URL to them. Now every time they refresh the report, they will see the updated report. You can use it to share attendee updates, travel and food related updates with your travel and hospitality vendors.

How do I use snapshots?

 Snapshots display real-time status of your event data viz. total number of attendees, total tickets sold, top selling ticket type, total check-ins made, remaining tickets, total abstracts/papers submitted, most checked-in sessions, among other things.

You can also generate snapshot between a date range to see what it looked like during a certain period.