How do I submit an abstract? (All steps)

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  1. To submit an abstract, go to the event website and click on Register button to register yourself and log in to the dashboard. If already registered, click on login button on the top right to log in to the dashboard.
  2. In the dashboard, you will see a button called My Abstracts. Click on it. Then, click on Submit Abstract button.
  3. Read the “Guidelines for Authors” and ensure that your submission follows these guidelines
  4. Choose the format that you would prefer to present your paper in. Oral, Poster presentation or any other type that is available.
  5. Enter abstract Title, abstract summary and keywords into the relevant textboxes
  6. Choose the topic that you would like to submit your paper to. You may only choose one.
  7. Add your abstract summary. There’s a word limit on how many words you can add in your abstract summary. Adhere to that, please.
  8. Add in the details of the authors. We ask for the author details in this step so that submissions remain anonymous in the reviewing stage. Do not include author details in your paper upload.

  • You have the option to include your co-authors in your abstract. You also  have the option to prevent your co-authors from editing your abstract.
  • Your paper has now been successfully submitted for reviewing.
  • If you do not wish to submit right away, you can click Save for later and then log back in any time in future to complete your submission. Make sure you submit your abstract before the last date of abstract submission.