How to create copy of a menu for different languages?

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You can create separate menu for all enabled languages for your website.

Navigation Menu

To create copy of a existing menu for another language, Click on edit icon and check the checkbox for create copy  button then select language in which you want to create the copy of existing menu.

To  check the created menu, select language from the language drop-down on the the top right. You will see the list of menus created for All language and your selected language. You can always edit the menu from “Update Menu” pop up using edit icon.

You can also set associations for menus. For a menu of a particular language, you can associate the menu to menu of another language. 

This will keep the user on same page when he/she switches the language on the website.

User Dashboard Menus

You can add translations for dashboard menus for different languages using “Reorder Dashboard Menus / Manage Translations” button.